The lamp is printed in a PCB manufacturing facility using one of the most standard technologies - a flexible printed board. We use the available materials and technology, to shape the object’s form into a friendly lifestyle item. For example, the gold coating used to cover soldering spots, becomes a shiny graphical element.

The only electronic parts soldered on the board are two bright LEDs. Four magnets grasp the lamp together when folded, additionally holding a coin battery in place, so there is no need for any dedicated battery holder.
The lamp comes flat and can be used as a bookmark. When rolled the magnets snap and form a little lamp that can be easily held in a book for a better reading experience.
The lamp comes flat and can be used as a bookmark. When rolled the magnets snap and form a little lamp that can be easily held in a book for a better reading experience.

Printed circuit boards (PCB’s) are the electronic hearts of objects around us. We usually don’t understand how they work and prefer to have them hidden from our sight inside plastic shells. They are closed in sort of black boxes, with only the input and output shown to the users.
In an anti-black-box statement, we use the form, material, and production method of a common PCB as the main component of a small reading lamp.
In an anti-black-box statement, we use the form, material, and production method of a common PCB as the main component of a small reading lamp.